Department of Architecture, State University of Bangladesh, organizes ‘ARCHFEST 2022’. The event includes exhibition, design charrette, and lecture series by leading architectural thinkers and industry personalities. This year the exhibition is themed: ‘Threshold, Transition, and Transformation’. The exhibition was inaugurated on 23 July, by Ar. Marina Tabassum and Prof. Shamsul Wares at Kabi Sufiya Kamal Auditorium, Bangladesh National Museum. The exhibition is open for all till 27 July, from 10 am to 8 pm, at Nalinikanto Bhattoshali Gallery, Bangladesh National Museum.
About the Theme: ‘Threshold, Transition, and Transformation’

Architectural community, all over the world, have been pushed to go back over their practice and priorities since the outbreak of COVID-19. The pandemic’s devastation of the general populace has shown the lack of resilience in built environment, specifically in urban settings. Although its effects were not uniformly experienced, it enabled to reconsider and integrate significant thresholds into the architectural design.

Architecture is a field where changes can be slow, so an ‘immediate response’ to the pandemic required a while to take off. As soon the community had picked up this concept of inexplicable transition, they started sharing ideas, initiatives, and design suggestions that would assist in navigating through this unanticipated transformation spatially. Following this disposition, academia worldwide has adapted similar strategies and so as the Department of Architecture, State University of Bangladesh. Despite the limitation of online education, the faculty and students of DoA, SUB tried to accommodate these approaches in the academic exercises, both in studios and theory courses.