‘From the Heart of Bangladesh’ opens at Deakin’s Burwood Campus
The exhibition called ‘From the Heart of Bangladesh’, showcases the carefully curated works of Bangladeshi master artists from the personal collection of Nira and Atiq Rahman, a Bangladeshi-Australian couple. These artworks uniquely capture the heart and soul of Bangladesh, its people and its rich culture that has spanned centuries. The exhibition was inaugurated on August 26, at the Deakin University Burwood Library Gallery, and is open to all till September 30, 6pm to 8pm.

The exhibition is a celebration of this year’s anniversary of the 50 years of bilateral diplomatic relationship between Bangladesh and Australia, as well as the beauty of a culturally diverse community. Opening remarks was made by Professor Gaye Sculthorpe, Professor of Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies of Deakin’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Professor Gaye Sculthorpe has had a distinguished career in museums and cultural heritage in Australia and in the United Kingdom. Since 2013, she has been Curator and Head of the Oceania section of the Department of Africa, Oceania and the Americas at the British Museum in London.