Connecting people with the nature along with architecture: with expanding urbanization, the quality and presence of green space are degrading.The Farmgate Park in the capital has almost become an undesirable place for visitors, so major consideration was to preserving the park, enhance its activity along with creating a transportation hub as well as creating a linkage with urban spaces so that people can have a rich urban park experience offering recreation and green space to the residents of and visitors as Kahn mentioned in his traffic study planning “What spaces, what activities, what buildings form the creative center of human communication?” This thesis project has been proposed by Emmat Ara Khan Ema, a student of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology.
As Farmgate area is a convoluted mess when it comes to transportation so introducing different transport might be a blunder. So started the design with the aim of creating connectivity of all the modes of transport system like MRT, bus stand and rickshaw as well as encouraging walking by emphasizing the design of individual elements of a pedestrian route such as footways crossing along roads and at junctions, roundabouts and other places where pedestrian and vehicular traffic interact keeping all these issues in my mind.
To spread the passenger loads in different points and for the congestion free public circulation, foot over bridge and proper bus stoppage in Indira road and Khamarbari road has been designed.1st floor is a retail floor to provide economic activity so that one can utilize their spare time. Shopping mall & food court also designed and connected with retail floor & concourse floor to enhance activity as well as make the station more economically viable.Tried to introduce the green vertically as well as horizontally with a water body which will work as aqueduct.Maximize the transparency to give the view of park from the station as they can feel the environment from inside.
Design with the environment was the prior concern of this project furthermore tried to create urban plaza through pedestrian connectivity and introducing different functions as maximum 60% people of Farmgate area travels one place to another by walking.