The grand launching event of Weathertex took place on June 8, 2022, in the Lamda Hallroom of the Gulshan Club, Dhaka. Weathertex is a manufacturer of natural Australian hardwood weatherboards and architectural panels. Weathertex products range in various styles, they are sustainable and durable, as well as they are quick, easy to install and safe as they are 100% natural. Considering its convenient features, Insignia Bangladesh Limited introduced Weathertex to the market.

Mr. Sajid Karim, Chairman of Insignia Bangladesh Limited, business associates, corporate clients, foreign buyers, and other top officials, attended the event. All the guests shared their respective views on the commercial aspects of Weathertex products and wished it well on its new journey. The Insignia Group is proud to introduce such brand, which has been voted the most trusted brand in the building industry by Architecture and Design.