The exhibition titled ‘Imaginary of the Common: 50 years of Sultan’s Oeuvre’ is taking place at Bengal Shilpalay in Dhaka. The exhibition is showcasing the works of SM Sultan, one of the most influential artists and a pioneer of modern art in Bangladesh.

Through oil painting, charcoal drawings, watercolors paint, photographs, and memorabilia, as well as films and interviews, the exhibition attempts to portray Sultan’s life, the process of his art-making, and the artist’s poetic vision, whereby cementing his loyalty for his land and people; and the ensuing emancipatory knowledge preserved for future generations. The exhibition includes key works which are being publicly exhibited for the first time.
SM Sultan was a Bengali decolonial artist who worked in painting and drawing. His fame rests on his striking depictions of muscular Bangladeshi peasants engaged in the activities of their everyday lives. ‘Imaginary of the Common: 50 years of Sultan’s will remain open until December 4, 2021, from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm (except on Sundays).