‘impART: The Story Continues From Us to You
It is not an overstatement to say that the ongoing pandemic has made it tougher than ever for common people to survive. Especially, artists have been hit hard and are scrambling to continue their artistic pursuit. To lessen their struggle at least a little amount, Brihatta Art Foundation has taken up a lofty project. The Home Art Project 2020 has been the light at the end of the tunnel for young, aspiring artists, and ‘impART: The Story Continues from Us to You’ is the event where the artists came forth to speak of their enlightening experiences.

This project started from August 2020, and already 15 bright artists have been chosen for residency, informed the main coordinator of the project Nijhum Zannatun Nahar. These artists are receiving all the financial support needed for their work. They’re also being monitored by three mentors.
The man behind this project is the eminent artist Bishwajit Goswami. “Artists always have unique views and unique thoughts about a timeline.” And to make sure they can continue making art at their own pace, this project was born, he said.
The name “Home Art Project 2020” makes it clear that artists were creating art from the confines of their own home. How has their journey been? To know about it, ‘impART’ was launched. From 7-11 September, everyday at 7:30 artists of this project came forth and spoke of their creative endeavour. In these virtual sessions, viewers were able to learn about these 15 artists anew. Even better, there was enriching Q and A sessions everyday, so the experience was far more engaging for the artists, their mentors and the viewers.