Sophistication with Nature- UCB North Avenue Gulshan Branch – Office Interior

Comfort, amenity, freedom, status are few words which are connected with a banking customer. As one of the most prestigious and old financial organizations of Bangladesh in its private sector, United Commercial Bank Limited (UCBL) had commissioned Dzinscape Architecten Studio to design it’s Gulshan branch in a way that conveyed the brand’s position and values.
Banking is always characterized by the experience it offers to its client; so generating a good experimental banking atmosphere is the goal for every bank out there. The United Commercial Bank, North Avenue, Gulshan-2, Dhaka is certainly a place which will grip your courtesy because of its viewpoint which is designed by the firm Dzignscape Architecten Studio. This 20-year-old Dhaka based firm is working on various sections of architecture which includes residential, commercial, industrial and interior work as well. The design value of their work is to build the architecture modest yet remarkable.

The design of the bank is an assortment of sophistication with nature which will provide an experience of everything to its client. The Principle Architect of Dzignscape Architecten Studio Md Ehsanul Karim expresses, “The major concept of the project was to keep the ground level unpretentious and green so that it can be welcoming for all sort of customers. We wanted to give an exclusive look in the lounge area so that is can hold the client’s attraction. We have been working with The United Commercial Bank for a long time; so, we knew what they are specifically looking for. An exquisite architectural touch in the interior part was given due to that reason.”
Albeit a renovation project, the design concept was not like just any other bank. The unique features and location of the building, in addition to the long-standing work relationship with UCB made the project interesting for the architect.
The new design had to recognize the functional requirements of the workplace structure while providing a comforting and exclusive lounge for the clients. For Architect Ehsanul Karim and his associate Architect Sharnali Soha, the goal was to merge the general banking area and the imperial lounge while keeping the authenticity of the original building unscathed and in tune with the regular approach of United Commercial Bank. An integrated bespoke design solution was provided that defines the public and private zones with colours and wall claddings. The general banking area offers open space with the use of UCB signature colours red and white while the imperial lounge is designed to provide sophistication and comfort using the colours black and gold. Both of the spaces were connected by a simply lit staircase.
The staircase for the imperial lounge had to be simple yet elegant as it was the starting point of the luxury the bank was willing to provide to their clients. The solid wall of the lounge entrance has been substituted by vertical louvres which forms a visual connection and transparency towards the space. So the lounge provides the vibe of a high-end retail environment. As the client enters the building they are met by a well-lit, luxuriously furnished lounge which is very much inviting.

The unique chandelier and wall decor added extra charm to the interior. Glass of the exterior creates a transparent connection between the interior workspace and lushly planted exterior. Lastly, most of the furniture was custom made by local artisans according to the vibe of the space. The architect’s idea behind this was to create a more customized solution to the space, while providing a more personal and direct relationship between the client and designer.
This bank dissolves the traditional barriers between customers and employees and encourages an “open banking” setup. With the essence of the above particulars, we can courteously claim that the environmental atmosphere is no doubt a proactive ingredient for a visiting customer to freshen up their mind and relax them from floating anxiety so that they can have a pleasant mode as an extra gift while they leave the place.